Have the lowest sum of cards in your hand at the end of play.
How to play:
1. Four cards are dealt face-down to all players, arranged in a 2×2 grid.
2. Before the first card is drawn, all players get one opportunity to look at the bottom two cards once.
3. Regardless of turn, if the most recently discarded card is a card you know anywhere on the table, you can flip the card on top of the matching card. Only one player can do this per turn, so speed matters.
3a. If all 4 of your cards are gone, your score is automatically zero.
3b. If you flipped your own card correctly, you now have one less card in your hand.
3c. If you flipped your own card incorrectly, you now take a blind penalty card and add it to your hand.
3d. If you flipped someone else’s card correctly, without looking, fill the gap of the player’s hands with one of your cards.
3e. If you flipped someone else’s card incorrectly, give back the card to the player and take a blind penalty card to your hand.
4. On your turn, draw from the pile (either the face down pile, or the most recently played card)
5. Either “play the power of the card” or swap it for one of the cards in your hand, and put the swapped card in the discard pile.
5a. If you drew the card from the recently played pile, you must swap it for one of your cards in your hand.
6. Play goes in a counter-clockwise path until a player says “cambio” on their turn after taking and playing a card. Now, no one can touch the cards of the player who called “cambio”.
7. Every player now only has one turn remaining to minimize the sum of their hand. They can still flip, swap, and play card powers.
8. After every player has played their turn, everyone flips their cards and counts the sum of their hand.
9. If the player that called “cambio” has the lowest sum, they win. If another player has tied with the player that called “cambio” or has the lowest sum of cards, they win.
10. The next round is started with the winner of the previous round.
The “Power of the Card”
Not all cards have powers. Below are the powers you get when drawing from the deck.
7 & 8 - Look at one of your own cards.
9 & 10 - Look at one of your opponent’s cards.
Jack - Blind swap any pair on the table.
Queen - Look at any one card on the table, and swap any pair on the table.
King - Look at any 2 cards on the table, and swap any pair on the table.
The “Value of the Card”
Not all cards have special values. For example, an 8 is worth 8 points, a 4 is worth 4 points, etc. Below are the special values. Pay close attention to the Kings and 6’s!
Ace = 0 points.
Joker = -1 points.
King of ♥️ &♦️ = -2 points.
6 of ♥️ = -3 points.
All other face cards = 10 points.